Comcast is ringing in the new year with a rate hike to the tune of 3.6% nationwide. The price increase
At Billshark, we often discuss the many ways we can save you money on daily household services like phone, cable
Charles Darwin famously said that a person “who dares waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of
Is no one safe from the shady practices of corporate communications giants? The 4th largest telecom in the United States,
Big cable operators really have it in for their loyal customers. Here are three ways that Cox, the third largest
A new survey from Juniper Research has found that some of the biggest names in Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD)
If you’re frustrated with your cable provider you’re not alone. According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), subscription TV
5 Ways Comcast is Screwing You: 1. Comcast charges for installation when you don’t need it. A report by
Do customers actually get what they pay for? When it comes to broadband services, customers in rural and underserved urban
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